study (e.g. music)
study (e.g. music)
performance (e.g. music)
: performance (e.g. music) 上演 じょうえん
field (e.g., of study)
: field (e.g., of study) 方面 ほうめん
: e.g. 例えば たとえば
: +e.g. [í?d?í?,((米+))friɡz?mpl,((英+))-ɑ?m-] 〔ラテン〕 exempli gratia(=for example) たとえば.
diligence in studying (e.g., continue to study even in such poor light as offered by a firefly or that reflected by snow)
: diligence in studying (e.g., continue to study even in such poor light as offered by a firefly or that reflected by snow) 蛍雪 けいせつ
a constant (e.g. in science)
: a constant (e.g. in science) 恒数 こうすう
a convert (e.g. to buddhism)
: a convert (e.g. to Buddhism) 改宗者 かいしゅうしゃ かいそうしゃ
a means, e.g. of living
: a means, e.g. of living 縁 よすが
a verse (e.g. in the bible)
: a verse (e.g. in the Bible) 一節 いっせつ ひとふし
account (e.g. bank)
: account (e.g. bank) 口座 こうざ
acute (e.g. illness)
: acute (e.g. illness) 急性 きゅうせい
address (e.g. of house)
: address (e.g. of house) 住所 じゅうしょ
armour (e.g. tank)
: armour (e.g. tank) 機甲 きこう
atmosphere (e.g. musical)
: atmosphere (e.g. musical) 雰囲気 ふんいき
ban (e.g. on smoking)
: ban (e.g. on smoking) 禁 きん
"study (english) literature"の英語
"study (of something)"の英語
"study a basic direction for educational reform"の英語
"study a fecal smear under a microscope"の英語
"study (english) literature"の英語
"study (of something)"の英語
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